Hi my name is M Luthfi
Sobana, I want to share a story about soft skills lessons,I really like this
course because it could make me become more diligent and know a lot about the
lesson and about the soft skills.I used to be given the task by Ms.Meriska
about Grammar in English and some writing that I should make.I am very
motivated for this and I feel that we also have to have the hard skills in
addition must also have good soft skills to be able to make us be balanced in
the world of education.I not only learned about the matter of duty but also I
learned how to do the work with good time management,how to collect duty in a
timely manner and also how we must do the work with the best capabilities.I
think Ms.Meriska already good at giving lessons,exercises and tasks that can
make us understand and know.That’s a valuable experience to be taught by Ms.Meriska
and I really would like to thank you for all that has been Ms.Meriska provide.and
hopefully all is beneficial for me to get better.Thanks
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